September 6, 2011

What's in the works

This last year has been a time of great transition for me.  I've had a lot of challenges, and have had to pull up my roots more times than I care to.  

So, like many people in these times of change and challenge, I am reevaluating my life.  All of this transition has given me the opportunity to look at my life and decide what it is I really want.  Where do I want to be?  What does that look like?  How will I support myself in this new life, and what will I have to offer in service to the World?

I am answering the call to go home.  Not exactly home, but regionally home.  Northwest Ohio/Southeast Michigan is home for me.  There I will start my herb farm, build my clinical practice, and make an effort to be as sustainable as is practical.  I am especially interested in heirloom vegetables and heritage breeds.

Look for my Etsy store to be back up and running in the winter/early spring.  I will be available for herbal/nutritional consultations again soon, both in person and over the phone or video chat.  If there are herbs you would like me to grow, please send me an email.  I will start with what I use in my practice, and at risk herbs that grow well in my micro-climate.

Thanks for checking in, I'm excited for what's in store!

Green Blessings,
Heather Luttrell

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“In this age the fear of disease has developed until it has become a great power for harm, because it opens the door to those things we dread and makes it easier for their admission.”

Edward Bach, Heal Thyself

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If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. ~ Henry David Thoreau