May 16, 2010

Gem Essences

I had a beautiful time this weekend working on my continuing education. I participated in an Advanced Gem Essence Workshop in Boulder with my Mentor and Herbalist Sisters. It was a wonderful reconnection to the Pachamama, the Cosmos, the soul, and sweet Sisters.

Stones, Crystals, Gems, Rocks - they have so much medicine to share with us. The more you try, the more time you spend asking and listening, the clearer the messages are.

Gem Essences are similar to Flower Essences, in that they help us with our mental and emotional "stuff". Gems differ in that they offer more foundational/structural support, with some of them directly affecting the Chakras.

I use Gem Essences along with Flower Essences in my practice. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning more about how essences can help you with your process!

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